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Secret RF Microneedling


Secret RF™ is a radiofrequency microneedling device that is designed to dramatically stimulate collagen by directly applying radiofrequency based heat to the dermis.

What this means is because the system is using needles and heat, it is giving a much better result than traditional microneedling which uses needles alone.  1x Secret RF has been said to be the equivalent to 6 traditional microneedling sessions.  As a result, patients will see an incredible improvement in their lines, wrinkles, scars of any type, acne scars, saggy or loose skin, and even stretch marks over the face and body.

The Secret RF is able to provide consistent results, while requiring very little downtime and is quickly becoming a popular choice with those who want to combat the typical signs of ageing.

To achieve the optimal effect 3 Secret™ RF treatments are recommended. You’ll start to notice results after your second treatment, but optimal results appear 3 months after the last treatment. You can add on PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to enhance your results even further.


ReNew Your Skin From Within.

Skin laxity occurs overtime as our skin gets older and starts to lose its firmness and structure, resulting in the skin becoming loose and begins to sag. The Secret RF treatment addresses skin laxity concerns by revitalising your skin and stimulating your collagen production which leads to youthful skin that’s firm and elastic whilst also looking natural.

This new treatment may be a gamechanger if you’re looking for something beyond temporary fixes without downtime. You will once again have youthful skin that’s firm and elastic. This non-surgical treatment provides more than just cosmetic benefits; it also reduces scarring, marks, wrinkles and a myriad of other blemishes. Plus, with minimal down time you can be back to enjoying your life within hours.


How RF Microneedling Works?

The Secret RF microneedling treatment uses tiny needles to deliver radio frequency energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial. Unlike other devices which only deposit energy in the upper layer of the skin, this treatment delivers RF energy below the surface where it’s needed most to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results with little to no downtime on all skin types.

Radiofrequency microneedling is a relatively new cosmetic procedure that has quickly gained popularity due to its effectiveness in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. Unlike traditional microneedling, which uses needles to create tiny punctures in the skin, radiofrequency microneedling uses heat to stimulate collagen production.

The heat generated by the radiofrequency energy helps to stimulate collagen production, which can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. The result is tighter, smoother skin with a more youthful appearance.


The Procedure

Your Registered Nurse will create a treatment programme that is specially tailored to your needs. Each Secret RF session lasts no more than approximately 30-45 minutes unless you are given numbing cream around the treatment area in which case you can expect your session to be an additional 45 minutes whilst the cream takes effect. The actual number of sessions will depend on your own plan but there will typically be 3-4 over a period of 2-4 months.

Optimal results are seen after several treatments over the course. The changes are most noticeable twelve weeks after finishing the process.



Full face OR Full neck is $599 per treatment

Full Face and Neck is $999

Eye Treatments $399 each

Body treatments (stretchmarks/tightening etc) POA at consultation

Add on PRP to boost results for $150. ( Please let your nurse know if you would like to add this at your treatment so they can allow extra time for the blood draw.)


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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a Secret Treatment take?
Each Secret RF session lasts no more than approximately 30-45 minutes unless you are given numbing cream around the treatment area in which case you can expect your session to be an additional 45 minutes whilst the cream takes effect.
How does the treatment feel?
Especially with the correct application of a good topical anaesthetic, the treatment is highly tolerable. It can feel a little prickly at times and afterwards your skin feels quite warm and tight like mild sunburn.
How long is the recovery after a Secret treatment? Any side effects?
You may experience transient erythema on the treated areas for 3-4 hours initially. The downtime involved with SECRET RF treatments are significantly reduced due to it targeting the deeper layers of the skin. Generally 24hrs only. Most patients are able to return to work and other normal activities the next day without any significant evidence of treatment. You could experience some minor pin-point bleeding where the micro-needles have pierced the surface of the skin. Very rarely there may be some minor bruising. Some mild swelling might occur immediately after treatment, but this will resolve within 24-72 hours. Very occasionally, a fine crust or scab might develop in parts of the treated area. This is quite normal. However, it is very important that you do not pick or rub this, but allow it to disappear naturally. You could see some temporary patterning of the treated skin. There is a very slight risk of infection, so it is important to keep the treated area clean.
What is the recommended treatment regime?
The typical interval between sessions is once every 3-4 weeks. Most patients see excellent results following 2-4 treatments. This may vary according to your skin condition and your Nurse will be better able to assess and advise you of this.
How long after the Secret Treatment can I wear makeup?
After your Secret RF treatment, you should avoid applying any products to your skin until the next day; this includes washing your face. However, you can carefully apply makeup about 24 hours after the treatment to cover any redness that may remain.
What results can you expect to see?
Collagen production and remodelling will occur approximately 4 – 6 weeks after treatment, and will continue for up to 6 months after each treatment. The skin can tighten and lift, pore size can reduce, skin tone and texture can improve, and pigmentation can lighten. You can expect to see a smoothing of wrinkles, and a reduction in the prominence of scars. If you are being treated for hyperhidrosis, there will be a permanent reduction in the number of sweat glands, and you could experience a reduction in sweat volume of up to 75% after two treatment sessions.
What is the pre and post care instructions?
Pre Treatment: The treatment area must be free from make up and lotions Avoid having treatments over active breakouts. Consider dermal hydro facials to soothe and heal active breakouts before having SecretRF treatments. Men – please ensure you have no more than a 5 o’clock shadow in regards to facial hair Post Treatment: Avoid cleansing the treated area with products on the day of the treatment. Start on Day 2. For the first 24 hours, you may cleanse the skin with cold water and dab or pat lightly with a towel. Use the post-procedure cream daily for the first 3 days. Avoid hot showers, baths, saunas for 24 hours. Avoid scratching or picking on the treated area. Refrain from applying any lotions on the treated area for 24 hours. Apply sun protection lotion every day and avoid sunbathing and direct sun exposure. Avoid active ingredients 2-5 days before and 2-5 days after the treatment.

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